B2W Software Privacy Policy
The Privacy Policy posted on this Site was updated on June 13, 2017.
This policy covers how B2W Software treats Personally Identifiable Information (“PII”) that
B2W Software collects and receives. B2W Software and its affiliated entities are collectively
referred to in this Privacy Policy as “B2W,” “we,” “us” or the “Site.”
Scope of this Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy applies only to PII collected by B2W through software or mobile app
installation or use or visitation to B2W websites where this Privacy Policy is posted (the “Site”)
and does not apply to any other information collected by B2W through other means. If you have
other agreements with B2W governing B2W products and services, then those agreements
control with regard to the subject matter of those agreements. Further, our Privacy Policy does
not cover the activities of third parties.
This Privacy Policy covers:
The information we collect
How we use your personal information
How we may share or disclose your personal information
Collection of information by third-party sites and sponsors
How we secure and store your information
Use of our online forums and public services
What choices do we give you, and how can you correct or review your personal information
How we may update our privacy policy
The Information We Collect
B2W collects certain personal information when you register with B2W, request information, or
when you use B2W products or services. In registering with B2W or requesting information, you
may provide us with a password, your real name, industry, organization name, job role, and
contact information, such as e-mail address, phone number, and shipping address. We may also
collect your product registration information, product interest information, transaction
information, or demographic information. We may collect payment information such as your
credit card number and billing address if you purchase or license products and services from us.
If you connect with B2W accounts on third party social networking sites, we may also collect
information about your social networking accounts, for example, your name, user name or
handle, public profile, and email address. We may also combine information you provide with
data we collect automatically (as further described below) and with data we receive from third
Whenever you visit the B2W website, B2W also receives and records information on our server
logs from your browser, including your computer's or mobile device's operating system type and
version, browser type and language, your Internet Protocol (IP) address, and geographic areas
derived from your IP address, B2W cookie information, file information, time stamped logs
regarding access times and duration of visits, the websites you visited before coming to B2W
websites, and other usage data relating to your activities on our Sites, including the pages you
request. We may relate this information to the PII you provide for purposes described in this
Privacy Policy.
When you use our mobile apps, we also automatically collect information about your device and
about your usage of and activity on our mobile apps. For example, we collect your device’s
mobile operating system type and version, browser type, device type, geolocation data, Wi-Fi
networking connection data, Internet Protocol (IP) address, device identifiers, time stamped logs
regarding access times and duration of visits, and other information.
Certain third parties, including analytics companies, advertisers and ad networks, may also
automatically collect information about you through our Sites, using cookies, Web beacons, and
device identifiers, including personally identifiable information about your online activities over
time and across different websites, devices, online channels and applications when you use our
How We Use Your Personal Information
We use PII collected through our Sites for purposes described in this Privacy Policy and as
disclosed to you in connection with our Sites. For example, we may use your information to:
Provide and deliver products or services you’ve requested, including software updates;
Operate and improve our internal operations, systems, products, and services;
Understand you and your preferences to enhance your experience;
Respond to your comments and questions and provide customer service;
Send you service-related information, including confirmations, invoices, technical
notices, updates, security alerts, and support and administrative messages;
Communicate with you and your referrals about promotions, upcoming events, and news
about products and services offered by B2W and our selected partners;
Link or combine information about you with other personal information we get from
third parties, to help understand your needs and provide you with better and more
personalized service;
Enforce our terms and conditions or protect our business, partners, or users;
Protect against, investigate, and deter fraudulent, unauthorized, or illegal activity.
How We May Share or Disclose Your Personal Information
B2W does not rent, sell, or share PII about you with other people or nonaffiliated companies,
except under the following circumstances:
When we have your permission including when you choose to share information using
B2W Public or post to our blogs.
We may provide PII to trusted partners who work on behalf of or with B2W to provide us
with services. For example, these companies may use your PII to help B2W communicate
with you about offers from B2W and our marketing partners. B2W maintains contracts
with these companies restricting their access, use and disclosure of personal data in
compliance with this Policy and B2W may be liable if they fail to meet those obligations
and we are responsible for the event giving rise to the damage.
We may share some or all of your information with our current or future "affiliates"
(which means a parent company, any subsidiaries, joint ventures, or other companies
under common control), in which case we will require our affiliates to honor this Privacy
We may disclose PII to comply with laws or in response to legal process, for example, in
response to a court order or a subpoena. We also may disclose PII in response to a law
enforcement agency's request, or where we believe it is necessary to investigate, verify,
prevent, enforce compliance with, or take action regarding: illegal or suspected illegal
activities; suspected fraud; situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of
any person; protection of the rights and property of B2W, our agents, customers, or
others; or violations or suspected violations of our agreements, policies, Terms of Service
or End User License Agreements (EULA); or as otherwise required or permitted by law
or consistent with legal requirements. We reserve the right to transfer or disclose PII in
our system in connection with or during negotiation of any merger, financing,
acquisition, bankruptcy, dissolution, transaction or other proceeding involving sale,
transfer, divestiture or assignment of all or a portion of our business or assets to a
different entity.
Finally, we may also share aggregated, anonymized or statistical information about you,
including demographics data, with others for a variety of purposes, including for their
own uses, for example, for improving their products and services for B2W and others.
Collection of Information by Third-Party Sites and Sponsors
Our Site contains third party sites linked from our Site to other Web sites, including those of our
partners and sponsors, whose information practices may be different from ours. Sometimes these
third party websites might conduct contests or sweepstakes and other activities that are promoted
on our Site and visitors are directed away from our Site in order to participate in such activities.
You may also connect to third party services to share your information on and through their
social media platforms, websites, applications, and services through “plug-ins,” widgets, buttons,
and other third party features on and connected with our Sites.
This Privacy Policy does not apply to the activities of these third parties when they are collecting
or using data for their own purpose or on behalf of others. Please consult the respective privacy
policies and statements of such third parties for more information.
How We Secure and Store Your Information
We have put in place reasonable and appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures
in an effort to help safeguard information we collect through our Sites. However, you should
know that no company, including B2W, can fully eliminate security risks associated with PII. To
help protect yourself, please use a strong password, do not use the same passwords to access
your B2W accounts that you use with other accounts or services, and protect your user names
and passwords to help prevent others from accessing your accounts and services.
B2W’s business is primary in North America. Information collected by B2W or on our behalf
may be stored on your computers, on your mobile devices, or on our servers, and may be
transferred to, accessed from, or stored and processed in, the United States and other countries,
including jurisdictions that may not have data privacy laws that provide protections equivalent to
those provided in the USA. However, we will protect all personal information we obtain in
accordance with this Privacy Policy and take reasonable steps to ensure that it is treated lawfully.
PII we collect may be retained for as long as needed to fulfill legitimate business purposes,
including the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy, or for a period of time specifically
required or allowed by applicable regulations or laws.
PII we collect may be retained for as long as needed to fulfill legitimate business purposes,
including the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy, or for a period of time specifically
required or allowed by applicable regulations or laws.
Use of Our Online Forums and Public Services
We offer you the ability to post information and exchange ideas through our B2W Community
Portal. We may also offer ways to share through independent third party sites, plug-ins and
online services. We are not responsible for the activities of these third parties. We encourage you
to review their privacy policies to understand how they user your information. Because your
posts and information shared through B2W Community Portal are public and can be seen by
others, we caution all users to consider what they post and share online and not to disclose any
PII as part of their posts, even if requested to do so by other posters. B2W will not be responsible
in the event that you disclose PII in your posts, through our public services or during any other
communication with other site users.
What Choices Do We Give You and How Can You Correct or
Review Your Personal Information
Our marketing emails tell you how to "opt-out" of receiving further marketing emails. If you opt
out, we may still send you non-marketing emails. Non-marketing emails include emails about
your accounts and our business dealings with you, and, as allowed by applicable law, requests
for your participation in surveys.
Upon request, we will provide an individual with access to identifying information that we have
collected about them (provided that they have given adequate proof of identity). We also offer
individuals the ability to have inaccuracies corrected within their contact information. You may
also request deletion of your PII. We will honor requests as required by law and subject to our
business and legal needs to retain your data. These information requests can be made by sending
us an e-mail through the B2W Community Portal or writing to us at 99 Bow Street, Portsmouth
NH 03801: Attn: Legal Department.
How We May Update Our Privacy Policy
From time to time, we may collect and use PII in ways not previously disclosed in our Privacy
Policy. If our information practices change we will post any adjustments to our policy on this
website and change the “Last Updated” date above. Unless additional notice or consent is
required by applicable laws, this will serve as your notification of these changes. If you are
concerned about how your information is used, bookmark this page and check back periodically.